Here we are: Meet the authors! of Oxford UP journey! It has been a great deal to meet extraordinary people and professionals of teaching. 10 a.m. > Plácido Bazo & Marcos Peñate. Framing talk: read 'Marco Europeo the referencia' . T.I.L. Curricular Integration, Context, Methodologic Pluralism and Assessment. Strategies: meta-cognitive, cognitive and social-affective. PORTFOLIO: Language passport, language biography and Digital dossier. 11 a.m. > Digital materials presentation. Stay Cool and explorers. 12 a.m. > Sarah Phillips. Motivation (Slideshare) Is like the wind 'You can't see it but you can feel it' 4 Importatnt tips: WIIFM= What is important for me? (meaning children) Challenge Self-esteem Choice Also talk about scaffolding. Good!!: 'the marshmallow test' --> conclusions