
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2016

YEAR PLANNING 2016/17 for Teachers

HAPPY YEAR COURSE 2016/17! I'm happy to see you again. Let's start to organise ourselves with some information. Remember that when you start the year course you should be updated with some information. This outline helps me to do the bases of my programming: 1- Year Calendar, to organise your course. http://www.ceice.gva.es/web/centros-docentes/calendario-escolar 2- International year and festivities: remember to celebrate 6 holidays/festivities at least: Halloween, Christmas, Peace day, Valentine's, Easter, Reading week/month. And obviously some of the traditional days of your community, i.e. Fallas. http://en.unesco.org/celebrations/international-years This year 2017 is the International Year of Sustainable Tourism:  http://media.unwto.org/press-release/2015-12-07/united-nations-declares-2017-international-year-sustainable-tourism-develop 3- Laws in the Valencian Community. Each community has its own web with the laws and decrees. - DOCV  http:...


How many times I wanted to share something about PLE...Today I read in one educational web page by @blahisay this and I couldn't resist to share it. His page is more than recommendable called  http://e-aprendizaje.es/ It is a nice pic about how to start a PLE. I love it! http://e-aprendizaje.es/ And it is a good beginning for anyone, even for me. Thanks for sharing it!


This year course I'm planning to do phonics once a week with my students. Looking for one specific and clear methodology I've asked one of my friends in Gloria Fuertes (Alzira), Vanessa is teaching Infant education there and she says the method is quite good. Their 3yo students are doing this 80% of the weekly time. It's not my case, but my students are older than hers. So I'm doing some Courses by the CEFIRE and we will see how it works. Here you have some more information about this native methodology for reading and learning English. Link:  http://jollylearning.co.uk/ Basically the students learn phonics with an easy way, through songs, rhymes, tricks, books and workshops. This is the information provided by the web: "How does Jolly Phonics work? Using a synthetic phonics approach, Jolly Phonics teaches children the five key skills for reading and writing. The programme continues through school enabling the teaching of essential grammar, spe...

Teach conflict-resolution

This is a free and visual guide for parents and teachers for teaching and learning how to resolve conflicts between parents and sons. Even if you are not a specialist in education it can helps you a lot. But remember...it is only an example guide, you are the best person to educate and resolve what happens to your child. Good luck! Download it for free: https://www.ceapa.es/sites/default/files/uploads/ficheros/publicacion/comic_guia_claves_para_resolver_de_forma_positiva_conflictos_cotidianos_en_la_familia_ceapa.pdf


Along your student career a person could learn different study techniques depending on the degree or level. But the most important to know is to adapt what works to you individually to the different circumstances and moments in your life. That's why there are thousands of techniques. But to shorten the length of time I have selected some documents to help my students. 1- Complete guide for Primary students: you can download the complete document for free. Link:   http://boscosprimaria.blogspot.com.es/p/tecnicas-de-estudio.html 2- A complete section by Monica Diz to develope techniques, tips, resources, practice...in her blog Link:  http://monicadizorienta.blogspot.com.es/search/label/T%C3%A9cnicas%20de%20estudio But that's one of my favourite sections:  http://monicadizorienta.blogspot.com.es/2013/02/tecnicas-de-estudio-fichas-de-trabajo_4.html 3- Secondary and adults education guide, by Junta de Amdalucía. Link:  http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/averro...


I have checked how to get better in summer. My students' parents many times have asked me for some tips and educal jarafe is a good reference. Remember that tips: 1- Make the students enjoy learning, through visual or technological supports 2- To enrich their environment, you may visit museums, science exhibitions, etc 3- To place an orderly table and to set a time during the day, preferably morning time. 4- To spend time with other students with the same interests who motivate each other. 5- To make a planning: organisation is important. Try to create a timetable for studying and leisure hours. 6- To stick to the timetable. More info:  http://www.educaljarafe.com/recomendaciones-para-vencer-los-suspensos-durante-el-verano/ Nice Holidays ;-))


Today I was looking for some info about ENGLISH workshops for my classes and I found that post about how to use flashcards. As another teacher did it into Spanish I'm not going to translate it, but instead I have copied it and then mention the link. It is an old post but it describes perfectly the basic uses in the EFL classroom. "FLASHCARDS No sé si estáis familiarizados con el uso de flashcards. Son esas tarjetas que suelen venir en el pack del profesor en las que se incluyen los dibujos del vocabulario que se va a trabajar en clase. Yo las he utilizado alguna vez. Otras veces las he hecho yo misma (qué ilusión hace ver el producto final) y otras simplemente dibujo en la pizarra el vocabulario. Hay muchas formas de utilizarlas y se pueden trabajar muchas destrezas con ellas. Se me ha ocurrido documentarme sobre su uso y he encontrado un artículo del que podemos sacar muchas ideas para trabajar con las flashcards. La autora es Marta Pérez Martos, una profe...