
Mostrando entradas de 2011

Concept of ActivClassroom. Top ten ways!

Before watching this video sit-down and open your mind to a new kind of academy concept. This is Ron Clark Academy , full of energy teachers and technology-minded children . If you like this idea you'd love it, if you don't you'd be bored. I personally agree with part of the phylosophy and I think It would be great having people like this in current education. If you want you can set up part of this energy into your classroom and enjoy it!

Free schools in England: Science Schools, Maths Schools...

Something is changing in the world. And when crisis time is already here, big countries invest on one of the most important points in the development of a Nation, which is EDUCATION. Have a look at the Discourse of the Prime Minister about: FREE SCHOOLS IN ENGLAND and then feel free to reflect on how your country is doing it...you'll probably be disappointed if you're Spanish.


I was looking for an easy way to explain what PROJECT BASED LEARNING is and then, one of my twitter 'explorers', this is what they are in some way for me (people who helps me to find out interesting things about education) twittered an interesting YouTube video which was presented like this: ' The Buck Institute for Education commissioned the cutting-edge advertising agency, Common Craft, to create a short animated video that explains in clear language the essential elements of Project Based Learning (PBL)'. And I thought 'sounds great! somebody's paid others to do what I was looking for!'. So here you have, for you and for my students...click on it! PD: Thanks to my twittermates ;)))

The George Lucas educational Foundation: EDUTOPIA

I want to share with you one of my favourite web pages EDUTOPIA. We can celebrate their 20th Anniversary by exploring it in detail because it has lot of interesting information for teachers and professors. Following these foundation you can not only give some pieces of advice like Ten tips for classroom management but also you can find books, activities, community discussions with peers, etc. Look at this popular video about Project-Based Learning: An Overview


This is a great resource for teachers and investigators who want to learn more about education and science. I would like to share with you the link and some of the more interesting videos in my opinion. You can follow this broadcasting programme on the net or on tv2 on Sundays afternoon. http://www.redesparalaciencia.com To read: Linda Lantieri - Aprendizaje social y emocional To listen: http://www.sciencenetworks.org/

21st Century- How has education changed?

A reflection that education has changed without asking is that I am writing now in a blog about education and other people are doing the same each second passed. Not only teachers and professors but also students and teenagers. This month I have discovered a very useful blog I can't leave to speak about. It's Professor Baker's blog and if you click it now it links you with a very interesting post about WHY teachers have to share. It has great ideas about it!


I've prepared this presentation as a part of an investigation I'm preparing about languages. I visited a school in June and I was surprised with the results! Look it by yourself! At the end of the course they edit a book with all projects! Treballar per projectes View more presentations from PILARtheMOON .


Interesting meeting of teachers and professors sharing experiences about innovation in education. Novadors2011 View more presentations from PILARtheMOON .


Here you have a power point with the process I've follow to work with professions in my classroom. Level: 2nd primary education (First cycle) - they are 7/8 years old. School year: 2010-2011 end of the last Term. School: CEIP Divina Aurora (Tavernes de la Valldigna)- VALENCIA Project at school View more presentations from PILARtheMOON .


Educared- Telefónica 14-05-2011 Waiting for the starting moment... Coffee time in Diagonal Shopping Centre. 11.00-> World 3.0 by A. Cornellà There's too much info in this world: - abundance: children have difficulties to choose so they need to develope creativity - Asia: nowadays is the best place for taking new ideas, most radical. Examples: Humanism, artificial intelligence. Links: Locomotion dog , Print a Stradivarius - Automation: ' Infoxicación ' concept. How students can manage themselves to order this information?to select it correctly? CHALLENGE: To have a good command of technology. See what is coming... New shopping , IPAD possibilities , Rubik cube They are only some of the models of IMAGINATION! But relating it to EDUCATION: Oklahoma school (saving money for university). Coffee break 12.30->José de la Peña (Educared) "your focus determines your reality" (Star Wars) It's very difficult to change a system from the inside. It suggests th...

Punset: Educar en la gestión de las emociones.


Our Mind

The Importance of creativity for our brains!! - The Daily Telegraph/ February 26th

Motivation: the missing link

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Motivation: the missing link View more presentations from Sarah_Phillips .

50th Anniversary Inauguration

What a nice day!! we have inaugurate our 50th anniversary!! Children wore the same T-shirt and were happy to participate. Thanks Divina Aurora!! Video 50th anniversary of School

OUP Seminar

Here we are: Meet the authors! of Oxford UP journey! It has been a great deal to meet extraordinary people and professionals of teaching. 10 a.m. > Plácido Bazo & Marcos Peñate. Framing talk: read 'Marco Europeo the referencia' . T.I.L. Curricular Integration, Context, Methodologic Pluralism and Assessment. Strategies: meta-cognitive, cognitive and social-affective. PORTFOLIO: Language passport, language biography and Digital dossier. 11 a.m. > Digital materials presentation. Stay Cool and explorers. 12 a.m. > Sarah Phillips. Motivation (Slideshare) Is like the wind 'You can't see it but you can feel it' 4 Importatnt tips: WIIFM= What is important for me? (meaning children) Challenge Self-esteem Choice Also talk about scaffolding. Good!!: 'the marshmallow test' --> conclusions

What's the weather like? in Valencian



I use these photos for designing the cover of my year programming, for example.