Educared- Telefónica
Waiting for the starting moment...
Coffee time in Diagonal Shopping Centre.

11.00-> World 3.0 by A. Cornellà
There's too much info in this world:
- abundance: children have difficulties to choose so they need to develope creativity
- Asia: nowadays is the best place for taking new ideas, most radical. Examples: Humanism, artificial intelligence.
- Automation: 'Infoxicación' concept.

How students can manage themselves to order this information?to select it correctly?

CHALLENGE: To have a good command of technology.
See what is coming... New shopping , IPAD possibilities , Rubik cube
They are only some of the models of IMAGINATION!
But relating it to EDUCATION: Oklahoma school (saving money for university).

Coffee break
12.30->José de la Peña (Educared)
"your focus determines your reality" (Star Wars)
It's very difficult to change a system from the inside. It suggests that change will come from outside...but how? that's what we should think about.

They talked about: Full bottles or light a fire? meaning in Education. The clue is MOTIVATION.
"How finding your passion can change your view"
Motivation can be: intrinsic or extrinsic. The extrinsic motivation depends on the wealth or poverty of nations, so we should stimulate the intrinsic motivation. And in this way we should connect with the intelligence of each one. According to researches there are 8 basic intelligences.
Our education system was built for a chain system (since industrial revolution s. XX), but nowadays we feel that there's something wrong.
We don't take into account that each child learns in a different way. Even more, learning how children learn is essential.

CONCLUSION: The most important is TO BE HAPPY!!


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