In this link you can visit one of my published opinions in Telefonica's project for culture in 21st century. Follow this project, It's worth it! espacioculturalsiglo21
Hello boys and girls, Aquí os dejo las respuestas de las PROPUESTAS del día 8 de Abril . 1- Era hacer en la libreta la portada y el vocabulario UNIT 5 "At the Market" (con dibujos), igual que hacemos en clase. El vocabulario son 10 palabras sobre FOOD. Escuchad y repetid la pronunciación con el vídeo que os envió MAX. 1.1.- FICHAS DE REFUERZO (os dejo ahora también hasta el tema 6 y cada vez que acabéis un tema podéis ir haciendo). Incluye las EXTENSION activities, también las podéis hacer, yo os iré indicando las páginas. DESCARGA AQUÍ UN PDF CON LOS EJERCICIOS DE REFUERZO (Al final del documento vienen numeradas las respuestas) 2 - COMPARATIVO Y SUPERLATIVO -> ver el vídeo y tomar nota de los adjetivos que salen: BIG, FAST, HEAVY, LAZY, CLEVER, SHORT. (Todos los hemos dado pero si no recuerdas el significado usa un diccionario). 2.1. - GRAMÁTICA DEL COMPARATIVO Y SUPERLATIVO. Respuesta: (puedes consultar tu activity book páginas 94-95) ...
How important is to reflect on our teaching practice? What do I want to change about it? Do I care about my students' interests? Can I use ICT resources at school? This week I took some time to reflect on all this questions which I never did. Sharing my opinion about my job and the teaching practice is important for me. And the idea of following other people with the same interests makes me think that I'm not alone. Well, my list of wishes are: - To introduce more project collaboration methodology in my classes - To coordinate to other departments at school in order to involve them with my own practice - To use much more ICT reources and always explore new ones - To ask my students about their interests and the changes they would make in the english classes In the same line, to analize other E-twinning projects and to see that another world exists is very provocative and proACTIVE. When you are working in a school with no collaboration, no ICT resources and little tim...
LEVEL: 4th PRIMARY Hello boys and girls! RUTINA Repeat: What's the date today? It is Monday 8th of June. What's the weather like? It is sunny/cloudy.🌈⛅ UNITS 3 AND 4: REVIEW ACTIVITY BOOK (no está) / BLINKLEARNING (actividades/juegos ) UNIT 3 & 4 _REPASO UNIT 3 UNIT 4 - Words: SCHOOL SUBJECTS - Grammar: Does he/she like...? - Words: a headache, earache, a cold, a cough, a stomach ache, toothache. - Grammar: What's the matter? He/She has got a... - Words: DAILY ROUTINES + TELL THE TIME - Grammar: What time does he/she ...? He/She has - Words: Insects, grass, nuts, seeds, meat, water. - Grammar: Does it live/eat...? Yes, it does. /No, it doesn't. SCHOOL SUBJECTS (UNIT 3) VERB: LIKE (UNIT 3) WHAT'S THE MATTER? (UNIT 3) DAILY ROUTINES AND TIME (UNIT 4) ¿QUÉ HAGO? 1- Ir a la página de BLINKLEARNING y ver vídeos y juegos de repaso. Os las envío tipo deberes. 2- Hacer los ejercicios de estas pág...
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