Espiral Journey - Augmented Reality

Web origin

Here I present one of the last journeys to which I have attended. It was organised by Espiral and it's a well known organization in the Valencian Community.
The programming was oriented to education at different levels, from infant to university studies.
One of the most interesting lectures was LabHuman, an department belonging to Politecnical University of Valencia dedicated to investigation and innovation specially about augmented reality.
Think about a city where you can use augmented reality for visiting it, for tourism or maybe for your students to learn. Could you imagine it? Some of the following projects belong to these part of society who is interested in developing technology and to adapt it to tourism but specially to education.
- AVAart --> project about art integrating AR and QR codes.
- Illargonauta --> a blog of students of classics Latin and Greek using AR.
- Anfore3D --> to enhance spacial skills.
- Aumentaty --> the most practical web page about the use of AR for education, you can create it, and your students can use it which is the most important. You can download here the author programme and its apps for using it with tablet or mobile phone.
- Gretice legendary Girona --> to travel around Girona (Catalonia) using i-pad with your students. 
- SALTET project --> augmented reality for science in your classroom.


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